Sayantani DasGupta, MPH, MD
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Good girls become doctors. In P. Bhattacharya (ed.), Good Girls Marry Doctors: South Asian Daughters on Obedience and Rebellion. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Press, 2016.
- Gutierrez, Kevin J. and Sayantani DasGupta. The space that difference makes: On marginality, social justice and the future of the health humanities. Journal of Medical Humanities. July, 2015.
- Tsevat, Rebecca K., Anoushka A. Sinha, Kevin J. Gutierrez and Sayantani DasGupta. Bringing home the health humanities: Narrative humility, structural competency and engaged pedagogy. Academic Medicine. May 2015. (Published ahead of print:
- DasGupta, Sayantani. “Tell me About Your Scar”: Narrative Medicine and the Scars of Intelligibility. In Wood, E. (ed.) Scars: An Anthology. Little Rock: Et Alia Press, 2015.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Decentering the Doctor-Protagonist: Personal Illness Narratives in the Narrative Medicine Classroom. In Peterkin, A. (ed.) Keeping Reflection Fresh. Kent State University Press, 2015.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Medicalization. In B. Reiss, R. Adams and D. Serlin (eds) Keywords in Disability Studies. NYU Press, 2015.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta (eds.) Outsourcing Life: Globalization, Parenthood and Transnational Surrogacy. Lexington Books, 2014.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. The Public Fetus and the Veiled Woman: Rhetorics of Colonialism and Surveillance on Transnational Surrogacy Blogs. In S. Magnet and R. Dubrofsky (eds.), Feminist Surveillance Studies, Chapel Hill, NC: Duke University Press, 2014.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Listening as Freedom: Narrative, Health, and Social Justice. In T. Jones, D. Wear, L.D. Friedman (eds.) Health and Humanities Reader. Rutgers U Press, 2014.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Quickening Paternity: Cyberspace, Surveillance and the Construction of Male Pregnancy. In S. Brophy and J. Hladki (eds.), Embodied Politics in Visual Autobiography, Toronto, Ontario: U of Toronto Press, 2014.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Progressive Education as Liberation (Or, is Public Education for Someone Else’s Children?) In L. Reynolds (ed.) Imagine: Visions of What School Might Be. New York: Heinemann, August, 2014.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Look like a Magazine Cover. In L. Reynolds (ed.) Break These Rules 35 YA Authors on Standing Up, Speaking Out and Being Yourself. Chicago Il: Chicago Review Press, 2013.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Can Sisterhood be Global? Fifty Shades of Transnational Feminism. In L. Appignanesi, S. Orbach, R. Holmes (eds.) London, UK: Virago. March, 2013.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Transnational Surrogacy, E-Motherhood, and Nation Building. In M. Morevic (ed.) Motherhood Online. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Motherhood Jeopardized: Reproductive Technologies in Indian Communities. In W. Chavkin and J Maher (eds.), Global Motherhood, Routledge, 2010
- DasGupta, Sayantani. (Re)Conceiving the Surrogate: Maternity, Race, and Reproductive Technologies in Alfonso Cuarón?s Children of Men. In A. Laflin and M. Block (eds.), Prescribing Gender in Medicine and Narrative, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Intern. In Lee Gutkind (ed.), Becoming a Doctor, New York: W.W. Norton, 2010.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. The Language of Pain: Finding Words, Compassion, and Relief by David Biro. Belleview Literary Review. Fall, 2010.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Marsha Hurst. Death in Cyberspace: Challenging the Dimensions of Public/Private Dimensionality. The Pulse of Death Now. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. On Being a Woman Writer: An Open Letter to Virginia Woolf. Literary Mama Magazine, November 2009.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. If Men Could Lactate, Mamapalooza Magazine (outstanding prose piece). Vol IV, June 2009.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Home to Hopkins, Hopkins Magazine. April, 2009
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Marsha Hurst (eds.) Stories of Illness and Healing: Women Write Their Bodies . Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2007.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Her Own Medicine: A Woman’s Journey from Student to Doctor. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1999.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. The Demon Slayers and Other Stories: Bengali Folktales . Brooklyn, NY : Interlink, 1995.
- Sayantani, D., Irvine , C., Spiegel, M. (2009) ‘Giving Sorrow Words’: The Possibilities of Narrative Palliative Care Medicine. In Gunaratnam, Y. and Oliviere, D. (Eds.), Narrative and Story-Telling In Palliative Care. New York , NY : Oxford University Press.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. “Reading Bodies, Writing Bodies: Self-Reflection and Cultural Criticism in a Narrative Medicine Curriculum.” Literature and Medicine 22 (2003): 241-256.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Rita Charon. “Personal Illness Narratives: Using Reflective Writing to Teach Empathy.” Academic Medicine 79 (2004): 351-6.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Teaching Medical Listening Through Oral History. NYU Literature and Medicine Blog . July, 2008 invited post.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. The Question. JAMA (A Piece of My Mind Section), May 7,2008.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Narrative Humility. The Lancet. March, 2008.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Immediately Following Birth (book section). Our Bodies, Ourselves Childbirth Book. New York: Touchstone, 2008.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Between Stillness and Story: The Lessons of Children’s Illness Narratives. Pediatrics, June 2007.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Holding. JAMA (A Piece of My Mind Section). April 18, 2007
- DasGupta, Sayantani. The Doctor’s Wife. The Hastings Center Report (In Practice Section). March-April, 2007.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Being John Doe Malkovich: Truth, Imagination and Story in Medicine. Literature and Medicine, Fall, 2006.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. How to Catch the Story But Not Fall Down: Reading Our Way to More Culturally Competent Care. Virtual Mentor, 2006. (AMA online Journal )
- DasGupta, S., A. Fornari, K. Greer, L. Hahn, H.J. Lee, V. Kumar, S. Rubin & M. Gold. Medical Education for Social Justice: Paolo Freire Revisited. Journal of Medical Humanities, Winter, 2006.
- DasGupta, S., D. Meyer, A. Calero-Breckheimer, A.W. Costley, S. Guillen. Teaching cultural competency through narrative medicine: Intersections of Classroom and Community. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Winter 2006; 18,1.
- DasGupta, S., R. Charon. Personal Illness Narratives: Using Reflective Writing to Teach Empathy Academic Medicine, 79, 2004.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Reading bodies, writing bodies: Self-reflection and cultural critique in a narrative medicine curriculum. Literature and Medicine, Fall;22, 2003.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. We’re not in Kansas anymore: Men as medical mentors, In E. Lo Chin (ed.) This Side of Doctoring: Reflections from Women in Medicine , Philadelphia, PA : Sage Publications, 2001.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. The subcontinental divide, News India (Health Issue). June, 2000.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. The Reproductive System (chapter) In J. Crawford (ed.), The Human Body Time Life Books Student Library Series, Alexandria, VA, Time Life Books, 1999.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Sex, lies and women’s lives: An intergenerational Dialogue In S. Das Dasgupta (ed.) A Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of South Asian Women in America . New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press, 1998.
- Dasgupta, Shamita Das & Sayantani DasGupta. Bringing up Baby: Raising a “Third World” Daughter in the “First World.” In S. Shah(ed.) Dragon Ladies: American Feminists Breathe Fire. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1997.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Women in Exile: Gender Relations in the Asian Indian Community. In R. Srikanth & S. Maira (eds.) Contours of the Heart: South Asians Map America., New York, NY: Asian American Writers Workshop, 1997.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. A bitter bullet: Medicine as militarism, The New Physician, Nov. 1996.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Models, mentors and motherhood: Bringing up future female physicians, guest editorial, Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education, Spring, 1996.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Monsoon, A. Magazine, March/April, 1996.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Public face, private space: South Asian women and Sexuality. In N. B. Maglin & D. Perry (eds.), “Bad Girls”/ “Good Girls”: Women, Sex, and Power in the Nineties: New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1996.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Song of the Dying Ova, Contemporary Pediatrics, December 1995.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Artists in medical wonderland. In S. Newman (ed.) So … What Are You Doing After College? NY, NY: Henry Holt and Co., 1995.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Home. A. Magazine, 1994
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Reinventing the feminist wheel, Z Magazine, December, 1994
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Who are we anyway? Indian Americans forging new identities (cover story) ONward Magazine, December, 1994.
- DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Journeys: Reclaiming South Asian feminism. In Bay Area S. Asian Women’s Collective (eds.). Our Feet Walk the Sky: Women of the South Asian Diaspora. San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1993.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Manavi: A First voice raised against violence, India Currents, June 1993.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Glass shawls and long hair: A South Asian woman talks sexual politics, Ms. Magazine, March 1993.
- DasGupta, Sayantani. Thoughts from a Feminist ABCD, India Currents, March 1993.
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