Sayantani DasGupta, MPH, MD

  1. DasGupta, Sayantani. Good girls become doctors. In P. Bhattacharya (ed.), Good Girls Marry Doctors: South Asian Daughters on Obedience and Rebellion. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Press, 2016.
  2. Gutierrez, Kevin J. and Sayantani DasGupta. The space that difference makes: On marginality, social justice and the future of the health humanities. Journal of Medical Humanities. July, 2015.
  3. Tsevat, Rebecca K., Anoushka A. Sinha, Kevin J. Gutierrez and Sayantani DasGupta. Bringing home the health humanities: Narrative humility, structural competency and engaged pedagogy. Academic Medicine. May 2015. (Published ahead of print:
  4. DasGupta, Sayantani. “Tell me About Your Scar”: Narrative Medicine and the Scars of Intelligibility. In Wood, E. (ed.) Scars: An Anthology. Little Rock: Et Alia Press, 2015.
  5. DasGupta, Sayantani. Decentering the Doctor-Protagonist: Personal Illness Narratives in the Narrative Medicine Classroom. In Peterkin, A. (ed.) Keeping Reflection Fresh. Kent State University Press, 2015.
  6. DasGupta, Sayantani. Medicalization. In B. Reiss, R. Adams and D. Serlin (eds) Keywords in Disability Studies. NYU Press, 2015.
  8. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta (eds.) Outsourcing Life: Globalization, Parenthood and Transnational Surrogacy. Lexington Books, 2014.
  9. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. The Public Fetus and the Veiled Woman: Rhetorics of Colonialism and Surveillance on Transnational Surrogacy Blogs. In S. Magnet and R. Dubrofsky (eds.), Feminist Surveillance Studies, Chapel Hill, NC: Duke University Press, 2014.
  10. DasGupta, Sayantani. Listening as Freedom: Narrative, Health, and Social Justice. In T. Jones, D. Wear, L.D. Friedman (eds.) Health and Humanities Reader. Rutgers U Press, 2014.
  11. DasGupta, Sayantani. Quickening Paternity: Cyberspace, Surveillance and the Construction of Male Pregnancy. In S. Brophy and J. Hladki (eds.), Embodied Politics in Visual Autobiography, Toronto, Ontario: U of Toronto Press, 2014.
  12. DasGupta, Sayantani. Progressive Education as Liberation (Or, is Public Education for Someone Else’s Children?) In L. Reynolds (ed.) Imagine: Visions of What School Might Be. New York: Heinemann, August, 2014.
  14. DasGupta, Sayantani. Look like a Magazine Cover. In L. Reynolds (ed.) Break These Rules 35 YA Authors on Standing Up, Speaking Out and Being Yourself. Chicago Il: Chicago Review Press, 2013.
  15. DasGupta, Sayantani. Can Sisterhood be Global? Fifty Shades of Transnational Feminism. In L. Appignanesi, S. Orbach, R. Holmes (eds.) London, UK: Virago. March, 2013.
  17. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Transnational Surrogacy, E-Motherhood, and Nation Building. In M. Morevic (ed.) Motherhood Online. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011.
  18. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Motherhood Jeopardized: Reproductive Technologies in Indian Communities. In W. Chavkin and J Maher (eds.), Global Motherhood, Routledge, 2010
  19. DasGupta, Sayantani. (Re)Conceiving the Surrogate: Maternity, Race, and Reproductive Technologies in Alfonso Cuarón?s Children of Men. In A. Laflin and M. Block (eds.), Prescribing Gender in Medicine and Narrative, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.
  20. DasGupta, Sayantani. Intern. In Lee Gutkind (ed.), Becoming a Doctor, New York: W.W. Norton, 2010.
  21. DasGupta, Sayantani. The Language of Pain: Finding Words, Compassion, and Relief by David Biro. Belleview Literary Review. Fall, 2010.
  23. DasGupta, Sayantani & Marsha Hurst. Death in Cyberspace: Challenging the Dimensions of Public/Private Dimensionality. The Pulse of Death Now. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009.
  24. DasGupta, Sayantani. On Being a Woman Writer: An Open Letter to Virginia Woolf. Literary Mama Magazine, November 2009.
  25. DasGupta, Sayantani. If Men Could Lactate, Mamapalooza Magazine (outstanding prose piece). Vol IV, June 2009.
  26. DasGupta, Sayantani. Home to Hopkins, Hopkins Magazine. April, 2009
  27. DasGupta, Sayantani & Marsha Hurst (eds.) Stories of Illness and Healing: Women Write Their Bodies . Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2007.
  28. DasGupta, Sayantani. Her Own Medicine: A Woman’s Journey from Student to Doctor. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1999.
  29. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. The Demon Slayers and Other Stories: Bengali Folktales . Brooklyn, NY : Interlink, 1995.
  30. Sayantani, D., Irvine , C., Spiegel, M. (2009) ‘Giving Sorrow Words’: The Possibilities of Narrative Palliative Care Medicine. In Gunaratnam, Y. and Oliviere, D. (Eds.), Narrative and Story-Telling In Palliative Care. New York , NY : Oxford University Press.
  31. DasGupta, Sayantani. “Reading Bodies, Writing Bodies: Self-Reflection and Cultural Criticism in a Narrative Medicine Curriculum.” Literature and Medicine 22 (2003): 241-256.
  32. DasGupta, Sayantani & Rita Charon. “Personal Illness Narratives: Using Reflective Writing to Teach Empathy.” Academic Medicine 79 (2004): 351-6.
  33. DasGupta, Sayantani. Teaching Medical Listening Through Oral History. NYU Literature and Medicine Blog . July, 2008 invited post.
  34. DasGupta, Sayantani. The Question. JAMA (A Piece of My Mind Section), May 7,2008.
  35. DasGupta, Sayantani. Narrative Humility. The Lancet. March, 2008.
  36. DasGupta, Sayantani. Immediately Following Birth (book section). Our Bodies, Ourselves Childbirth Book. New York: Touchstone, 2008.
  37. DasGupta, Sayantani. Between Stillness and Story: The Lessons of Children’s Illness Narratives. Pediatrics, June 2007.
  38. DasGupta, Sayantani. Holding. JAMA (A Piece of My Mind Section). April 18, 2007
  39. DasGupta, Sayantani. The Doctor’s Wife. The Hastings Center Report (In Practice Section). March-April, 2007.
  40. DasGupta, Sayantani. Being John Doe Malkovich: Truth, Imagination and Story in Medicine. Literature and Medicine, Fall, 2006.
  41. DasGupta, Sayantani. How to Catch the Story But Not Fall Down: Reading Our Way to More Culturally Competent Care. Virtual Mentor, 2006. (AMA online Journal )
  42. DasGupta, S., A. Fornari, K. Greer, L. Hahn, H.J. Lee, V. Kumar, S. Rubin & M. Gold. Medical Education for Social Justice: Paolo Freire Revisited. Journal of Medical Humanities, Winter, 2006.
  43. DasGupta, S., D. Meyer, A. Calero-Breckheimer, A.W. Costley, S. Guillen. Teaching cultural competency through narrative medicine: Intersections of Classroom and Community. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Winter 2006; 18,1.
  44. DasGupta, S., R. Charon. Personal Illness Narratives: Using Reflective Writing to Teach Empathy Academic Medicine, 79, 2004.
  45. DasGupta, Sayantani. Reading bodies, writing bodies: Self-reflection and cultural critique in a narrative medicine curriculum. Literature and Medicine, Fall;22, 2003.
  46. DasGupta, Sayantani. We’re not in Kansas anymore: Men as medical mentors, In E. Lo Chin (ed.) This Side of Doctoring: Reflections from Women in Medicine , Philadelphia, PA : Sage Publications, 2001.
  47. DasGupta, Sayantani. The subcontinental divide, News India (Health Issue). June, 2000.
  48. DasGupta, Sayantani. The Reproductive System (chapter) In J. Crawford (ed.), The Human Body Time Life Books Student Library Series, Alexandria, VA, Time Life Books, 1999.
  49. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Sex, lies and women’s lives: An intergenerational Dialogue In S. Das Dasgupta (ed.) A Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of South Asian Women in America . New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press, 1998.
  50. Dasgupta, Shamita Das & Sayantani DasGupta. Bringing up Baby: Raising a “Third World” Daughter in the “First World.” In S. Shah(ed.) Dragon Ladies: American Feminists Breathe Fire. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1997.
  51. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Women in Exile: Gender Relations in the Asian Indian Community. In R. Srikanth & S. Maira (eds.) Contours of the Heart: South Asians Map America., New York, NY: Asian American Writers Workshop, 1997.
  52. DasGupta, Sayantani. A bitter bullet: Medicine as militarism, The New Physician, Nov. 1996.
  53. DasGupta, Sayantani. Models, mentors and motherhood: Bringing up future female physicians, guest editorial, Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education, Spring, 1996.
  54. DasGupta, Sayantani. Monsoon, A. Magazine, March/April, 1996.
  55. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Public face, private space: South Asian women and Sexuality. In N. B. Maglin & D. Perry (eds.), “Bad Girls”/ “Good Girls”: Women, Sex, and Power in the Nineties: New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1996.
  56. DasGupta, Sayantani. Song of the Dying Ova, Contemporary Pediatrics, December 1995.
  57. DasGupta, Sayantani. Artists in medical wonderland. In S. Newman (ed.) So … What Are You Doing After College? NY, NY: Henry Holt and Co., 1995.
  58. DasGupta, Sayantani. Home. A. Magazine, 1994
  59. DasGupta, Sayantani. Reinventing the feminist wheel, Z Magazine, December, 1994
  60. DasGupta, Sayantani. Who are we anyway? Indian Americans forging new identities (cover story) ONward Magazine, December, 1994.
  61. DasGupta, Sayantani & Shamita Das Dasgupta. Journeys: Reclaiming South Asian feminism. In Bay Area S. Asian Women’s Collective (eds.). Our Feet Walk the Sky: Women of the South Asian Diaspora. San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1993.
  62. DasGupta, Sayantani. Manavi: A First voice raised against violence, India Currents, June 1993.
  63. DasGupta, Sayantani. Glass shawls and long hair: A South Asian woman talks sexual politics, Ms. Magazine, March 1993.
  64. DasGupta, Sayantani. Thoughts from a Feminist ABCD, India Currents, March 1993.

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