China-U.S. Center on Medical Professionalism
The China-U.S. Center on Medical Professionalism is a joint effort by Peking University Health Sciences Center (PUHSC) and a consortium of American organizations, including the Division of Social Medicine & Professionalism (formerly the Institute on Medicine as a Profession), the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation (ABIMF), The Permanente Medical Group, Inc., Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and the Open Society Institute. Located at the PUHSC and led by Professor Yali Cong, the Center strives to advance the concepts and practice of medical professionalism in China. In this way, the Center hopes to enhance the delivery of health care and promote essential elements of civil society.
The China-U.S. Center serves as a setting for ongoing exchanges and collaborations on professionalism between Chinese and American physicians and scholars. The specific activities include: designing and supporting research projects that explore the state of professionalism in China and what might be done to enhance professional behavior; an annual conference on professionalism that explores what the two countries can learn from each other; support for educational initiatives that will introduce medical students to the key concepts of professionalism.