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Rita Charon, MD, PhD
- Rita Charon, Sayantani DasGupta, Nellie Hermann, Craig Irvine, Eric Marcus, Edgar Rivera-Colon, Danielle Spencer, and Maura Spiegel. The Principles and Practice of Narrative Medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017, in press.
- Charon R. In Retrospect, Immortality: Death, Phenomenology, Ethics, and Henry James. The Henry James Review, in press.
- Charon R. The great glazed tank of art: from the real to the imaginary with Siri Hustvedt. In: Zones of Focused Ambiguity in Siri Hustvedt’s Works: Interdisciplinary Essays. Edited by Johanna Hartmann, Christine Marks, and Hubert Zapf. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter (Anglia Book Series), 2016.
- Charon R. Writing toward self, toward other, toward health. In: Keeping Reflection Fresh. Edited by Allan Peterkin, Pamela Brett-MacLean. Kent State University Press, in press.
- Charon R, Hermann N, Devlin M. Close reading and creative writing: teaching attention, representation, and affiliation. Academic Medicine 2016;91:345-50.
- Charon R. Narrative medicine: The essential role of stories in medical education and communication. In: Creative Dialogues. Edited by Isabel Fernandes, Cecilia Beecher Martins, Amândio Reis and Zuzanna Sanches. Cambridge UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015: 95-111.
- Charon R. Writing in the clinic, or what might be expressed? In The Future of Scholarly Writing: Critical Interventions, ed. Angelika Bammer and Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015: 87-99.
- Charon R. Embodied narratives: living out our lives. Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation 04 Jan 2015. Published on-line, Emory University. Accessed 7.15.15.
- Devlin MJ, Richards BF, Cunningham H, Desai U, Lewis O, Mutnick A, Nidiry MAJ, Saha P, Charon R. Where Does the Circle End?”: Representation as a critical aspect of reflection in teaching social and behavioral sciences in medicine. Academic Psychiatry 2015;39:669-77. DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0222-8. PMID 25272952.
- Charon R. Why read and write in the clinic? The contributions of narrative medicine to health care. In: Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication. Edited by Heidi Hamilton and Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou. New York: Routledge, 2014:245-258.
- Miller E, Balmer D, Hermann N, Graham G, Charon R. Sounding Narrative Medicine: Studying students’ professional identity development at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. Academic Medicine 2014;89:335-342.
- Charon R. Narrative reciprocity. Hastings Center Report 2014;44(1):S21-S24.
- Charon R. Narrative Medicine: caring for the sick is a work of art. Journal of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants. 2013;26:8.
- Anyaegbunam J, Sotsky J. Salib C, Kissler MJ, Jiao JM, Charon R. Five voices, one story. JAMA. 2013;310:2615-2616.
- Hurwitz B, Charon R. A narrative future for health care. Lancet 2013;381:1886-1997.
- Arntfield SL, Slesar K, Dickson J, Charon R. Narrative medicine as a means of training medical school students toward residency competencies. Patient Education and Counseling 2013;91:280-286.
- Charon R. Narrative medicine in the international education of physicians. La Presse Medicale 2013;42:3-5.
- Charon R. The reciprocity of recognition—what medicine exposes about self and other. New England Journal of Medicine 2012;367:1878-1881.
- Charon R. Afterword. On Being Ill by Virginia Woolf with Notes from Sick Rooms by Julia Stephen, mother of Virginia Woolf. Ashfield, MA: Paris Press, 2012:109-116.
- Charon R. Our heads touch—telling and listening to stories of self. Academic Medicine 2012;87:1154-1156.
- Charon R. At the membranes of care: stories in narrative medicine. Academic Medicine 2012;87:342-347.
- Charon R, Hermann N. Commentary: A sense of story, or why teach reflective writing? Academic Medicine 2012;87:5-7.
- Charon R and Das Gupta S, eds. Introduction to Special Issue on Narrative Medicine. Literature and Medicine 2011;29.2.
- Charon R. The novelization of the body, or how medicine and stories need one another. Narrative 2011;19:33-50.
- Narrative Medicine. Edited by Rita Charon and Sayantani DasGupta. Special Issue of Literature and Medicine 2011;29(2).
- Charon R. The ecstatic witness. In: Clinical Ethics and the Necessity of Stories: Essays in Honor of Richard Zaner. Edited by Osborne P. Wiggins and Annette C. Allen. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press, 2011:165-183.
- Goyal R, Charon R. In waves of time, space, and self: the dwelling-place of age in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves. In: Storying Later Life: Issues, Investigations, and Interventions in Narrative Gerontology. Edited by Gary Kenyon, Ernst Bohlmeijer, William L. Randall. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011:66-83.
- Silva SA, Charon R, Wyer PC. The marriage of evidence and narrative: scientific nurturance within clinical practice. Journal of Evidence in Clinical Practice 2010;16:1-9.
- Charon R. Calculating the contributions of humanities to medial practice—motives, methods, and metrics. Academic Medicine 2010;85:935-7.
- Charon R. Osler and the Bible. In: Osler’s Bedside Library: Great Writers Who Inspired a Great Physician. Edited by Michael LaCombe. Philadelphia: ACP Press, 2010: 119-134.
- Spiegel M, Charon R. Editing and interdisciplinarity: Literature, Medicine, and Narrative Medicine. Professions2009. New York: Modem Language Association of America, 2009:132-137.
- Charon R. Commentary on “Creative expressive encounters in health ethics education: teaching ethics as relational engagement.” Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2009;21:163-5.
- Charon R. The polis of a discursive narrative medicine. Journal of Applied Communication Research 2009;37:196-201.
- Charon R. Narrative medicine as witness for the self-telling body. Journal of Applied Communication Research 2009;37:118-131.
- Charon R. Narrative Medicine: healing the divides. In: Practicing Medicine in Difficult Times: Protecting Physicians from Malpractice Litigation. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009: 253-69.
- Charon R. A momentary watcher, or the imperiled reader of “A Round of Visits.” Henry James Review 2008:29:275-86.
- Goyal RK, Charon R, Lekas H, Fullilove MT, Devlin MJ, Falzon L, Wyer PC, for the Narrative Evidence Based Medicine Working Group. ‘A Local Habitation and a Name’: How narrative evidence based medicine transforms the translational research paradigm. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2008;14:732-41.
- Sands S, Stanley P, Charon R. Pediatric narrative oncology: interprofessional training to promote empathy, build teams, and prevent burnout. Journal of Supportive Oncology 2008;6:307-12.
- Charon R. Material and metaphor: narrative treatment for the embodied self. Psychoanalysis and Narrative Medicine, edited by Peter Rudnytsky and Rita Charon. Albany: SUNY Press, 2008: 287-93.
- Charon R. Where does narrative medicine come from? Drives, diseases, attention, and the body. Psychoanalysis and Narrative Medicine, edited by Peter Rudnytsky and Rita Charon. Albany: SUNY Press, 2008: 23-36.
- Charon R, Wyer P, Chase, H et al. Narrative Evidence Based Medicine. The Lancet 2008;371:296-7.
- Alcauskas M, Charon R. Right brain: reading, writing, and reflecting: making a case for narrative medicine in neurology. Neurology 2008;70:891-4.
- Charon R. Narrative house calls and cultural memory: communities of women, communities of presence. Stories of Illness: Women Write their Bodies. Edited by Sayantani DasGupta and Marsha Hurst. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2007:300-13.
- Charon R. What to do with stories: The sciences of narrative medicine. Canadian Family Physician. 2007;63:1265-7.
- Charon R. Suffering, storytelling, and community: an approach to pain treatment from Columbia’s Program in Narrative Medicine for Pain. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Pain. Edited by Herta Flor, Eija Kalso, Jonathan O. Dostrovsky. Seattle: IASP, 2006:19-27.
- Charon R. The perilous fate of the teller, or what bench? what desolation?. Literature and Medicine 2006;25:412-38.
- Charon R. The self-telling body. Narrative Inquiry 2006;16(1):191-200.
- Charon R. Narrative Medicine: Honoring the Stories of Illness. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Translated into Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French.
- Charon R. Narrative lights on clinical acts, or what we, like Maisie, know. Partial Answers 2006;4(2):41-58.
- Charon R. Narrative medicine: attention, representation, affiliation. Narrative 2005;13:61-70.
- Charon R. A narrative medicine for pain. Narrative, Pain, and Suffering. Edited by Daniel Carr, David Morris, John Loeser. Seattle: International Society for the Study of Pain Press, 2005;1-16.
- Charon R. The ethicality of narrative medicine. In: Narrative Research in Health and Illness, ed. Brian Hurwitz. London: BMJ Books, 2005: 23-36.
- DasGupta S, Charon R. Personal illness narratives: using reflective writing to teach empathy. Academic Medicine 2004;79:351-56.
- Charon R. Narrative and medicine. New England Journal of Medicine 2004;350:862-864.
- Charon R. Physician writers. Lancet 2004;363:404.
- Charon R. Two hemispheres unite: medical humanities become narrative medicine. Practicing the Medical Humanities: Engaging Physicians and Patients, edited by Ronald Carson, Chester Burns, and Thomas Cole. Hagerstown, MD: University Publishing Group, 2003: 143-156.
- Charon R. The body and the self: the seamless experience of being. Medical Humanities Review. 2002;16:40-46.
- Zoloth L, Charon R. Like an open book: Reliability, intersubjectivity, and textuality in bioethics. Stories Matter: The Role of Narrative in Medical Ethics. Edited by Rita Charon and Martha Montello. New York: Routledge, June 2002:21-36.
- Stories Matter: The Role of Narrative in Medical Ethics. Edited by Rita Charon and Martha Montello. New York: Routledge, 2002.
- Charon R. Time and ethics. Stories Matter: The Role of Narrative in Medical Ethics. Edited by Rita Charon and Martha Montello. New York: Routledge, June 2002:59-68.
- Stewart S and Charon R. Art, anatomy, learning, and living. JAMA 2002;287:1182.
- Charon R. What is narrative competence for? American Journal of Bioethics, 2001;1:62-63.
- Charon R. Narrative medicine: A model for empathy, reflection, profession, and trust. JAMA 2001;286:1897-902.
- Charon R. Narrative medicine: form, function, and ethics. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2001;134:85-87.
- Charon R. The life-long error, or John Marcher the proleptic. In: Margin of Error: The Ethics of Mistakes in the Practice of Medicine. Edited by Laurie Zoloth and Susan Rubin. Hagerstown, MD: University Publishing Group:2000:37-57.
- Charon R. Reading, writing, and doctoring: Literature and medicine. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2000;319:285-291.
- Charon R. Literary concepts for medical readers: Frame, time, plot, desire. In Teaching Approaches to Literature and Medicine. Edited by Anne Hunsaker Hawkins and Marilyn McEntyre Chandler. New York: MLA Publications, 2000:29-41.
- Charon R. Medicine, the novel, and the passage of time. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2000;132:63-68.
- Charon R. The seasons of the patient-physician relationship. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2000;16:37-50.
- Charon R. Literature and medicine: Origins and destinies. Academic Medicine. 2000;75:23-27.
- Charon R, Montello M. Framing the case: Narrative approaches for hospital ethics committees. HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum. 1999;11(1):6-15.
- Charon R, Selzer R. Stories for a humanistic medicine. Academic Medicine. 1999;74:42-44.
- Narrative Ethics. Edited by Martha Montello and Rita Charon. Special Issue of HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum. 1999;11(1).
- Charon R, Montello M. Literature and Medicine: An on-line guide. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1998;128:959-962.
- Charon R. A small boy and others. In: Medicine and the Arts: On Aging. Academic Medicine. 1997;72(Supplement 2):S16-S17.
- Charon R. The ethical dimensions of literature: Henry James’s The Wings of the Dove. In Stories and their limits: Narrative approaches to bioethics. Edited by Hilde Lindemann Nelson. New York: Routledge Press, 1997:91-112.
- Swartz MH, Colliver JA, Bardes CL, Charon R, Fried ED, Moroff S. Validating the standardized patient assessment administered to medical students in the New York City Consortium. Academic Medicine. 1997;72:619-626.
- Unruly Texts. Edited by Rita Charon and Nancy Dew Taylor. Special Issue of Literature and Medicine. 1997;16 (1).
- Charon R, Brody H, Clark M, Dickson D, Martinez R, Nelson R. Literature and ethical medicine: Five cases from common practice. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 1996;21:243-265.
- Charon R. Let me take a listen to your heart. In: Caregiving: Readings in knowledge, practice, ethics, and politics. Edited by Suzanne Gordon, Patricia Benner, and Nel Noddings. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996:292-305.
- Demarest R and Charon R. An Illustrated Guide to Human Reproduction and Fertility Control. New York: Parthenon Books, 1996.
- Charon R, Fox RC. Critiques and remedies: Medical students call for change in ethics teaching. JAMA. 1995;274:767, 771.
- Hunter KM, Charon R, Coulehan JL. The study of literature in medical education. Academic Medicine. 1995;70:787-794.
- Charon R and Williams P. Special Theme Issue: The Humanities and Medical Education: Introduction. Academic Medicine. 1995;70:758-760.
- Charon R. Connections that heal. Second Opinion. 1995;21:39-42.
- Charon R, Banks JT, Connelly JE, Hawkins AH, Hunter KM, Jones AH, Montello M, Poirier S. Literature and medicine: Contributions to clinical practice. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1995;122:599-606.
- Charon R. Narrative accuracy in the clinical setting. Medical Encounter. 1994;11(1):20-23.
- Charon R, Greene M, Adelman, R. Women readers, women doctors: A feminist reader response theory for medicine. In The empathic practitioner: Empathy, gender, and medicine. Edited by Ellen Singer More and Maureen A. Milligan. New Brunswick, NJ: University of Rutgers Press, 1994:205-221.
- Charon R. The internist’s library: Doctors at the heart of the novel. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1994;121:390-391.
- Charon R, Greene M, Adelman R. Multi-Dimensional Interaction Analysis: A collaborative approach to the study of medical discourse. Social Science and Medicine. 1994;39:955-965.
- Greene M, Adelman R, Freidmann E, Charon R. Older patient satisfaction with communication during an initial medical encounter. Social Science and Medicine. 1994;38:1279-1288.
- Charon R. Narrative contributions to medical ethics: Recognition, formulation, interpretation, and validation in the practice of the ethicist. In A matter of principles? Ferment in U.S. Bioethics Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1994:260-283.
- Charon R. The narrative road to empathy. In Empathy and the medical profession: Beyond pills and the scalpel. Edited by Howard Spiro. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993:147-159.
- Charon R. Medical interpretation: Implications of literary theory of narrative for clinical work. Journal of Narrative and Life History. 1993;3(1):79-97.
- Adelman R, Greene M, Charon R, Friedman E. Content of elderly patient physician interviews in the medical primary care encounter. Communication Research. 1992;19(3):370 380.
- Charon R. To build a case: Medical histories as traditions in conflict. Literature and Medicine. 1992;11(1):93 105.
- Anastos KM, Charney P, Charon RA, Cohen E, Jones CY, Marte C, Swiderski DM, Wheat ME, Williams S. Hypertension in women: What is really known? Annals of Internal Medicine. 1991;115:287 293.
- Adelman RD. Greene MG, Charon R. Issues in elderly patient physician interaction. Aging and Society. 1991;11:127 148.
- Charon R. The case: A relative stranger. Second Opinion. 1991;16:50 56.
- Adelman RD, Greene MG, Charon R, Friedman E. Issues in the physician geriatric patient relationship. In Communication, health and the elderly. Fulbright Papers. 1990;8:126 134.
- Charon R. “The great empty cup of attention: The doctor and the illness in The Wings of the Dove. Literature and Medicine. 1990;9:78 90.
- Greene M, Adelman R, Charon R, Friedmann E. Concordance between physicians and their older patients in the primary care medical encounter. The Gerontologist. 1989;29:808 813.
- Charon R. Doctor patient/reader writer: Learning to find the text. Soundings. 1989;72:1101 1116.
- Charon, R. Combating depersonalization in caring for terminally ill patients. Loss, Grief, and Care: The Journal of the Institute for Thanatology. 1988;2(1 2):79 82.
- Charon R. Imagination, narrative, and interviewing. Medical Encounter. 1988:4:3 4.
- Greene M, Hoffman S, Charon R, Adelman R. Psychosocial concerns in the medical encounter: A comparison of the interactions of doctors with their old and young patients. The Gerontologist. 1987;27(2):164 168.
- Adelman R, Greene M, Charon R. The physician elderly patient companion triad in the medical encounter: The development of a conceptual framework and research agenda. The Gerontologist. 1987;27(6):729 734.
- Charon R. To listen, to recognize. Pharos. 1986;49(4):10 13. Reprinted in Perspectives in Medical Sociology. Edited by Phil Brown. Belmont, CA:Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1989, pp. 529 536. Second edition, 1996.
- Charon R. To render the lives of patients. Literature and Medicine. 1986;5:58 74.
- Greene M, Adelman R, Charon R, Hoffman S. Ageism in the medical encounter: An exploratory study of the doctor elderly patient relationship. Language and Communication. 1986;6(½):113 124.
- Charon R, Greene M, Adelman R, Hoffman S. Ageism in the medical encounter. Medical Encounter. 1986;3:10.
- Charon R. Poised in equilibrium: doctors and their patients. Winner of the Caleb Fiske Dissertation Competition. Rhode Island Medical Society Journal. 1982;65:29-35.
- Charon R. The apprenticeship model in the training of physicians and police officers. Society for Health and Human Values Notes. 1984;14(5):3 4.
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