Columbia’s narrative medicine program seeks to transform healthcare one story at a time, and many alumni are taking the skills they learned and spreading the practice around the world.
Narrative medicine is an interdisciplinary field that emphasizes the importance of narrative competence in health care. It is the ability to acknowledge, absorb, and appreciate the stories of others.
Columbia Narrative Medicine Lecturer and co-director of Columbia's Narrative Medicine International, Catherine Rogers, was awarded her third Fulbright grant.
A publication by MS alumnx Anoushka Sinha ’14, Carly S. Slater ’18, Alyson Lee ’22, Harini Sridhar ’21, and Director of Clinical Practice, Columbia Narrative Medicine Deepthiman Gowda
Columbia Narrative Medicine Certificate alumnx Tony Errichetti, PhD, shares how physicians can learn to “read” their patients and strengthen their relationships with them.
A Graphic Medicine Comic in the Journal Literature and Medicine published by Johns Hopkins University Press by Incoming Narrative Medicine Masters Student Gianna Paniagua